Akash Ambani and Isha Ambani have additionally Shared the Stage with Mukesh Ambani and they have declared the Launch of the New Jio Phone 2. The Ambani Siblings have additionally specified that the Most Awaited Feature of Whatsapp, Facebook and Youtube will be Available in the Latest Jio Phone 2 which is likewise a Feature Phone from Reliance Jio. So Finally, the Long Wait of the Jio Phone Users appears to be Finished and now everybody can Enjoy the Features of Whatsapp, Facebook and Youtube in their Latest Jio Phone 2.


ADDITIONAL FEATURES : Whatsapp, Facebook , and You Tube are added in the mobile

Now the world is mostly connected with the socila media facebook and youtube are very common, these are part of life in the generation so the JIO 2 mobile is added these features 

The Apps of Whatsapp, Facebook and Youtube in your Jio Phone 2 can also be Operated with Voice Commands. If you have the Previous Jio Phone with you then you might know what is Voice Commanding in your Jio Phone. It’s like you say something or Command your Jio Phone to do a Task for you, And your Phone Listens to your Command and does the Job for you. This is the same Technology used in the New Jio Phone 2 with a much Improved Version. Now your Jio Phone can not only support the Apps like Whatsapp, Facebook or Youtube but it can also open those Apps, Send Messages to your Contacts everything Automatically by your Voice Command.


Akash Ambani and Isha Ambani have moreover Shared the Stage with Mukesh Ambani and they have proclaimed the Launch of the New Jio Phone 2. The Ambani Siblings have moreover indicated that the Most Awaited Feature of Whatsapp, Facebook and Youtube will be Available in the Latest Jio Phone 2 which is similarly a Feature Phone from Reliance Jio. So Finally, the Long Wait of the Jio Phone Users seems, by all accounts, to be Finished and now everyone can Enjoy the Features of Whatsapp, Facebook and Youtube in their Latest Jio Phone 2.

 Extra FEATURES : Whatsapp, Facebook , and You Tube are included the versatile 

Presently the world is for the most part associated with the socila media facebook and youtube are extremely normal, these are a piece of life in the age so the JIO 2 portable is included these highlights 

The Apps of Whatsapp, Facebook and Youtube in your Jio Phone 2 can likewise be Operated with Voice Commands. On the off chance that you have the Previous Jio Phone with you then you may comprehend what is Voice Commanding in your Jio Phone. It resembles you say something or Command your Jio Phone to complete a Task for you, And your Phone Listens to your Command and does the Job for you. This is a similar Technology utilized as a part of the New Jio Phone 2 with a much Improved Version. Presently your Jio Phone can not just help the Apps like Whatsapp, Facebook or Youtube yet it can likewise open those Apps, Send Messages to your Contacts everything Automatically by your Voice Command. 

Jio Phone 2 Features: 

Working System KaiOS, same utilized as a part of JioPhone 

Inside Storage 4GB 

Slam 512MB 

Expandable Storage up to 128GB utilizing External SD Card 

Show 2.4 Inch QVGA Display 

Raise Camera 2 Megapixel Real Camera 

Front Camera VGA Camera in Front 

SIM and Networks Dual SIM, LTE, VoLTE, VoWi-Fi 

FM Yes 

Bluetooth Yes 

GPS Yes 

Wi-Fi Yes 

NFC Yes 

Featured Feature 

Whatsapp, Facebook, Youtube App Installed 


2999/ - yet Rs. 501/ - with Exchange Offer
Well ordered Process of JioPhone 2 Booking: 

1. Snap here to Visit the Official Reliance Jio Website. 

2. Or then again Download the MyJio App from here. 

3. Presently, Click on the Banner Saying "JioPhone 2 Booking" 

4. You will be Redirected to a Registration Form of JioPhone 2. 

5. Fill that Form Properly, You have to put the Pin Code of your Location. 

6. You will likewise get the Option that whether you are New Buyer or You need to Exchange your Old Jio Phone? 

7. On the off chance that you select you are a New Buyer then you need to Pay Rs. 1000/ - in Advance Payment. 

8. Also, If you are Exchanging your Old Jio Phone to the New JioPhone 2 then you need to pay the Rs. 501/ - at the season of Checkout. 

9. After the Booking of JioPhone 2 has Done and your Jio Feature Phone is prepared in your Neatest Jio Store, You will Receive a SMS in your Given Contact Number at the Time of Registration that "Your Jio Phone 2 is Ready. If you don't mind Visit your Neatest Jio Store and Show them this Ticket Number to Collect your New Jio Phone 2". 

10. Presently Visit your Nearest Jio Store with that SMS, Your Aadhar Card and a Passport Size Photo to Collect your JioPhone 2. 

11. In the event that you are a New Buyer, at that point you need to give Rs. 1999 at the Time of Collecting the Phone as you have effectively paid Rs. 1000 at the season of Booking JioPhone Online. 

12. In the event that you are Exchanging the New Jio Phone 2 with the Previous Old Model of Jio Phone, at that point you don't have to pay anything at the season of Collecting the Phone since you have effectively Paid Rs. 501 at the season of Online Booking. 

in any case, in the jio 2 versatile does't have a wifi hotspot highlight about this they are not report.

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