If you are not Prepare the exams or forget the answers in the exams don't worry these some tips to follow to qualify the exams these last minute tips are very important when the exams paper is so tough and difficult. in this exam is difficult to follow the some tips are helped to you to qualify the exams

if you are forget the answers and not prepare the exam well that time this tips are very useful to you. so these tips are
Remember these tips are worked only you have a idea or basic knowledge about the subject is worked other wise its follows some difficult you faced
- Read the questions carefully and understand the question
- Check the time of examination and estimate the time of the each question takes
- first write the what you know the correct answers
- if you don't know the answer of the question then write the related answer or what you know about the question
- Don't skip the questions
- Don't waste the time in examination hall and don't try to mass coping it is harm to your career
- Draw the flow charts and diagrams
- write point wised
- fill the papers as possible
- maintain the good handwriting it is most importnat
- keep put the side headings and highlights the key points
- use two pens (black and blue is better)
- don't rub the paper and don't cancel the answers it will cause the bad impression
- last minute don't write hurry burry
- check the all the question are attempted when time is left
- Mention diagram names and explain each part of the diagram
- make boxes and quotations and special symbols
- always try to fill the papers
These are the last minute exam preparation tips , if you are forget the answers and not prepare well follow these tips, it will definitely useful to you and helped you,
Thanks it's useful tips
ReplyDeleteGood tips